Frequently Asked Freeze Drying At Home Questions

Comparison of freeze dried food compared to dehydrated look taste and texture
Freeze Drying versus Dehydrated Food

I could talk for hours and hours about freeze drying.

When I mention this is how I preserve food, I often get agreement that they too also freeze dry. However, they most often think it is the same as dehydrating which is very very different.

What is the difference between freeze drying and dehydrating?

The main points are taste, texture, color, and nutrition content.

Dehydrating can have as much as 80% nutrition but because of the way it is dried (with constant heat), the nutrients degrade faster than with freeze drying which is a cold vacuum process.

The taste is amplified and the texture of most freeze dried food is extremely fluffy and airy.

Color is preserved quite well unless exposed to light source as with mason jar storage.

Quick Start Guide Download

For a limited time, we will be offering a free Food Prep Revolution: Freeze Drying At Home Quick Start Guide that touches on the most frequently asked questions on this process from what supplies you need to settings and other tech specs.

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