All About

Whether you are a familiar or new to food preservation such as canning or dehydrating, this is is a site that will teach you all about the fairly new for home use freeze drying method.

From frequently asked questions to innovative applications to save family heirlooms. We will be sharing many stories and how to instructions to get you started on the freeze drying revolution journey!

Thank you so much for stopping by.

My name is Veronica and I have been freeze drying food at home for over 5 years and dehydrating since 2002 when I found my first new $3 dehydrator at a yard sale. I got my Harvest Right © Freeze Drying unit in 2015 and through trial and error and input from several thousand other new freeze drying trailblazers, have learned the industry standards for this preservation method.

I am an Air Force Veteran, Army Wife, Navy Mom, US Navy Ombudsman, and grandmother of two adorable little boys.

Tennessee Daniel Author
Tennessee Daniel Author


The Food Prep Revolution: Freeze Drying At Home book was started several years ago. Since then life has happened but the launch is only a few months away! Over the years research and development and updates as well as upgrades have been in constant flux to continue to improve the machine and the process to shorten the overall batch times and increase the amount of food preserved.

The types and variety of foods that are able to be freeze dried are astounding compared to the traditional methods and the shelf stable life is up to 25 or more years when properly freeze dried and stored.

Some examples include

Ice Cream






And more!

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